Tapeworms are long, flat intestinal worms that attach themselves to your pet’s intestines. Comprised of multiple, small segments, tapeworms secure themselves to the wall of the small intestine using their hook-like mouthparts. Tapeworms are most commonly diagnosed by finding small white worms (or segments) that appear similar to grains of rice around the backside of your pet, in their feces or within your pet’s preferred sleeping and living quarters.
There are a handful of different kinds of tapeworms that latch onto pets, the most common of which is called the Diplidium or, in the cases of dogs, Diplidium Caninum, which relies on the flea as a host. Adult worms of this family can reach up to 8 inches in length, which can be extremely uncomfortable for your pet.
Tapeworms are, unfortunately, a common problem that many pets and their owners have to deal with. While they do not usually cause serious health problems to humans, regardless, it should be addressed by your local veterinarian as soon as possible. Understanding what exactly tapeworms are, how your pet can get a tapeworm and what you can do to prevent them from arriving will help you provide him or her with the best care possible.
Read moreCommon Causes and Treatment for Tapeworms in Pets