Sykesville Veterinary Clinic

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Preparing to Travel with Your Pet?

We can prepare and sign government documentation to enable your pet to travel abroad with you! Because each country has different requirements, you must be sure to do your research and double-check that you have requested the appropriate signatures from the hospital. You are responsible for scheduling appointments to meet your travel requirements and providing the hospital with the proper information and forms.

There are legal requirements to complete for the hospital to process your request for a health certificate, and often the process can be time-consuming. Some countries require a 30-day preparation window, so plan accordingly.

Whether you are traveling internationally or domestically, each state and country has its own specifications for travel requirements, and depending on where you are headed you may need a CVI or an IHC.

It’s vital that you read through the requirements thoroughly. We ask that you research your travel requirements before your appointment with us and request the appropriate documentation. You are responsible for ordering all forms listed in the travel guidelines- all of which should be researched before your veterinary appointment.

Research your travel requirements by clicking HERE, where you can look up your destination for helpful guidelines.

When you click the link above, please read the specifics of your travel destination carefully. When traveling internationally, the link within the APHIS website will specify the IHC for that individual country. You must click the country’s link for all requirements and forms. Please read all the information thoroughly and click on any links attached to the website, including the certificate itself.

Please let us know if your airline requires a Health Certificate or Certificate Of Veterinary Inspection. We are happy to provide one at the time of your visit. When you contact us, please provide the following information as well as all downloadable forms specified for your travel destination.

Happy travels!

Name of Person Traveling with Pet (Consignee)(Required)
Name of the person that you will be staying with in the country (Consignor)(Required)
Address the pet is departing from(Required)
The address in the country that you will be traveling to(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Will the pet be traveling in the cabin or in cargo?(Required)
Direct flight or layover?