Sykesville Veterinary Clinic

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Congratulations, Samantha!

One of our veterinary technicians from Sykesville Veterinary Clinic, Samantha Perry, is a recent scholarship winner!

The scholarship in question is the 2016 American Kennel Club (AKC) Veterinary Scholarship. Nine in total were awarded to students with a background in AKC events and programs, while promoting animal health and medicine – including Samantha! Each scholarship amounts to $25,000.

According to Mari-Beth O’Neill, VP of Sports Services and AKC’s liaison to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, “Each of these recipients have had extensive experience in the world of purebred dogs and balanced their busy school schedules with participation in AKC events.

“We congratulate all of them on their hard work and look forward to seeing their impact on the future and health of purebred dogs in the years to come,” said O’Neill.

For more information regarding the scholarship, its winners, and the AKC, please visit the following article here.

Way to go Samantha!