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Do Kong Toys Really Work to Reduce Pet Anxiety?

Does your dog have separation anxiety? Sure, when you get ready to head to work every morning, she probably follows you around, watching your every movement with a forlorn expression on her face.

After all, there’s a reason someone coined the term “puppy dog eyes.”

True separation anxiety manifests itself in some pretty serious, hard-to-misinterpret ways. These include excessive barking or whining, scratching up your walls or furniture, or destroying basically anything she can get her paws on.

If you routinely come home to find your possessions chewed and strewn throughout the day, it’s time to take steps to reduce pet anxiety.

Nip Pet Anxiety in the Bud

Unless you are very, very lucky or very, very wealthy, it will be impossible for your pup to go absolutely everywhere with you. That means when you first bring your furry friend home, it’s important to teach her to be independent from you.

Do this by only rewarding desired behavior. Don’t coddle a dog by leaping up to soothe her every time she cries. Give her plenty of toys, but make sure she also has time alone to enjoy them — not every play session has to be interactive.

Proper kennel training is another great way to reduce pet anxiety down the line. Create a safe space where your dog can enjoy her “Me Time,” whether you are just in the next room or away from home for an eight-hour shift.

Don’t Make a Big Deal of Departures or Arrivals

This tip can be difficult to implement, but it’s an important one. No matter how sad you are to leave your dog, or how happy you are to come back home and see that wagging tail once more, keep a poker face.

Upon your arrival after a separation, it works best to actually ignore your pet — only for a few moments! A raucous reunion only reinforces the idea that separation is a terrible fate to be avoided at all costs.

Try Kong Toys To Reduce Pet Anxiety

Kong toys, which you can stuff with a treat or some food, are a wonderful way to reduce anxiety in dogs. These interactive playthings distract your dog from your absence and give her something to while away the hours.

Even more importantly, they encourage a canine’s natural behaviors such as chewing, hunting or scavenging, and working for her food. Worried about weight gain from high-calorie treats? Stuff the Kong with healthy fare like mashed sweet potato or protein-packed tuna.

Make sure you choose the proper size Kong for your dog’s size, breed, and age. Protip: for even longer lasting anxiety reduction and enjoyment, freeze the Kong and its contents.

When a Toy Is Not Enough

A rescue pup who was abused or one who has undergone trauma — the loss of a family member, for example — may suffer from more serious separation anxiety. In this case, simply giving her a toy or a snack won’t suffice. If you suspect emotional issues, talk to your vet about your concerns.

Has Your Dog Ever Experienced Separation Anxiety?

Very often, the best pet care ideas come from fellow dog lovers. If you have found a way to reduce pet anxiety, or if you have suggestions for how to make the most of a Kong toy, let’s hear it!

Share tips, tricks, and your experience with others by commenting below.